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Tanzania plateau, it has some spectacular features, the mountain system sprawls in a twisting pattern to the south west, formed by the Ufipa Plateau, the Mbeya Range and Rungwe Mountains. To the north of Lake Nyasa the rift system divides into a western rift and an eastern rift. Mount Lengai, west of Kilimanjaro, is the only active volcano. The rifts have produced depressions such as the Pangani Valley (extending southward from Kilimanjaro to the Indian Ocean) and the Malagarasi Swamp. On the boarders are three lakes, including Lake Victoria, the world's second largest freshwater lake. Although three great rivers, the Nile, the Congo and the Zambezi have their own origins in Tanzania, the country has few permanent rivers. The country's largest river basin, the Rufiji, covers an area of 61,000 square miles in southern Tanzania. The soils in many areas of the country are clay and of limited fertility.

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